Fantasia Rhapsody in Blue Fantasia 2000 Rhapsody in Blue

Joe, formerly known as Jobless Joe, is a character from Fantasia 2000. He appears in the "Rhapsody in Blue" sequence. He is often wishing to find a job, and in the end, he starts working the night shift at the construction site.

Role in the film

Joe is first seen in a café, mulling over the newspaper, while drinking a cup of coffee. After checking his pockets, he finds out that he does not have any money. When a man who is leaving drops a coin, Joe tries to get his attention but when he fails, he decides to use the coin to pay for his order. Later while looking for a job, Joe walks by a fruit stand and sees that one of the apples has fallen off. Although he is hungry, he decides to put it back. However, a police officer who mistakenly thinks that Joe is stealing the fruit drives him away. During a montage where the characters are wishing for their dreams to come true, Joe fantasies about what it would be like to have a job. Near the end of the segment when Duke decides to quit his job at the construction site, he throws away his jackhammer which coincidentally lands in Joe's arms. Duke's boss sees him and hires him to work the night shift on the spot. Joe feels elated to have finally found a job. A few minutes later, while lowering a hook to pick up a bucket of bolts, Joe accidentally hooks Killjoy Margaret, inadvertently making Flying John's wish to be rid of her come true. He notices her hanging in the air but because he is so happily engrossed in his new job, he merely tips his helmet and continues working.


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Fantasia logo.png

Films: Fantasia (Video/Soundtrack) • Fantasia 2000 (Video/Soundtrack) • The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Video/Soundtrack)

Video Games: Fantasia Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Disney Infinity Fantasia: Music Evolved Disney Emoji Blitz Disney Sorcerer's Arena Sorcerer's Apprentice

Disney Parks
Cinderella Castle Mystery TourDisney Animation BuildingFantasia CarouselFantasia Gardens Miniature GolfFantasy GardensPrimeval WorldLe Pays des Contes de FéesMickey's PhilharMagicSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Sorcerer's HatVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entertainment: Disney Classics: The Music & The MagicFantasmic! • Mickey's Magical Book • Mickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey and the Magical MapRivers of Light: We are OneOnce Upon a MouseVillains Tonight!
Restaurants: Fantasia Gelati
Parades: Disney's FantillusionDisney's Party ExpressDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Magic HappensParade of the StarsSpectroMagic
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney EnchantmentILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousWe Love Mickey!WishesWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Summer: Club Mouse Beat
Halloween: Celebrate the MagicHappy Hallowishes

Fantasia: Sorcerer MickeySugar Plum FairiesNutcracker Suite DancersYen SidMagic BroomsTyrannosaurus RexStegosaurusTriceratopsPteranodonCorythosaurusApatosaurusDiplodocusOrnithomimusBrachiosaurusCeratosaurusKannemeyeriaEdmontosaurusParasaurolophusDimetrodonTylosaurusPlateosaurusAnkylosaurusCompsognathusArchaeopteryxTroodonOviraptorBacchusJacchusCentaursCentaurettesMelindaBrudusIrisMorpheusDianaZeusApolloVulcanBoreasMother PegasusFather PegasusPegasi SiblingsPeter PegasusCherubsSatyrsUnicornsMadame UpanovaOstrichesHyacinth HippoHipposElephanchineBen Ali GatorAlligatorsChernabogChernabog's Minions

Fantasia 2000: Donald DuckDaisy DuckColorful TrianglesBlack TrianglesHumpback WhalesDukeFlying JohnKilljoy MargaretFoo-Foo Joe RachelNasty NannyTin SoldierBallerinaJack-in-the-BoxToy SoldiersYo Yo FlamingoSnooty FlamingosNoahSpring SpriteThe ElkThe Firebird
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Balthazar BlakeDavid "Dave" StutlerMaxim HorvathRebecca "Becky" BarnesDrake StoneVeronica GorloisenMorgana le FayMerlinAbigail WilliamsSun Lok
Deleted/Unused: OtikaSunflowerNutcracker SentriesDahliaChronosLorenzoMolly

Fantasia: Toccata and Fugue in D MinorNutcracker SuiteThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Rite of SpringThe Pastoral SymphonyDance of the HoursNight on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria

Fantasia 2000: Symphony No. 5Pines of RomeRhapsody in BluePiano Concerto No. 2The Carnival of the AnimalsPomp and CircumstanceThe Firebird Suite

Yen Sid's TowerBald MountainNew York CityPrehistory
Deleted and unused concepts
Unused Fantasia SegmentsClair de LuneSunflowerOtikaEgret CoupleNaiadsDestinoThe Little MatchgirlOne by OneLorenzo
Sorcerer HatGrimholdMerlin's RingEncantus


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