Mortal Kombat 11 Is Getting Review Bombed Reddit

Mortal Kombat 11 is going to drop a crazy flop of story content on players

MK11 Aftermath (2)

Warning: Mortal Kombat 11 story spoilers below

If there's a key takeaway to be had past the time the end credits roll on Mortal Kombat xi, information technology's that if this were the final game in the series then it would be a hell of a loftier note to end on. The twenty-four hour period had been saved, the greatest threat in all the realms had been defeated in bloody mode and a story that had connected across multiple games, decades and consoles had come to a close.

Here was Liu Kang, flush with Elder God power and given the weighty responsibleness of resetting the unabridged Mortal Kombat timeline, maxim adieu to the quondam and welcoming a new era of cartoonish vehement fisticuffs for the inevitable series reboot that was planned. That game is likely a good number of years away, only right then and at that place? That was the perfect conclusion to an ballsy tale for the ages.

So why go back to that pivotal point? What story did NetherRealm even so have to tell, in those closing moments? A pivotal epilogue with which to bookend the saga, by the sound of things. "Well, when you think about it, nosotros kind of reached the cease of time with MK 11," Mortal Kombat 11 manager and co-creator Ed Boon said to Game Informer.

MK11 Aftermath (3)

Story was the area that… a lot of our fans love that part of Mortal Kombat: the story mode, the narrative, and all that stuff. And then that was kind of like, "Oh, permit'due south exercise that! Let's but hit really hard with a smashing addition – almost like an epilogue – concluding decision to the story. And so our primary thing was we really wanted to drib this crazy bomb of content on the player.

Equally we had that discussion almost the story, we saw at that place's more that we tin can tell for this, and then we came up with a little bit of a Back to the Futurity Part II synopsis; you go back in fourth dimension and you run into the events of it, and then you're irresolute the class of history. It ended up very cool.

Information technology'due south similar reaching the virtual end of the universe… which I guess doesn't exist. But we were feeling like, if you drew a visual timeline, you'd see the dot at the stop like, "Okay, I guess we've hit that." And so with the story jumping back to the beginning of time, it kind of fabricated sense to – again, the Dorsum to the Future approach. We wanted to continue with the same story; we didn't desire to tell a new story, because information technology is still MK 11.

It's kind of similar reaching the Pacific Ocean as Forrest Gump and and then turning around and so running dorsum, kind of retracing his steps in some respects. Timeline-wise that only seemed like the way to go, and besides for the histrion who'south into MK 11, there'due south going to be a lot of cool nostalgia like, "Oh I call back where we are at present!"

Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath will unfold across 5 "very thick" chapters according to Boon, each i having six key fights and focusing on the new roster additions every bit they finally go a run a risk to shine in the spotlight. Alongside the all-time version of Shang Tsung equally well. "To me, Shang Tsung, Cary Tagawa coming dorsum voicing him – having him presented in a story way again – I remember a lot of people, they visualise Cary Tagawa equally Shang Tsung from the 1995 movie as the Shang Tsung they remember," Boon explained.

MK11 Aftermath (1)

When you encounter that visual and y'all hear his vocalisation and the nuance that he puts into information technology, at that place's something very special about that.

Additionally, Fujin and Sheeva are characters that oasis't really had as much of the spotlight over the years. Fujin in particular, he but showed up in Mortal Kombat 4 and Armageddon, merely he never had a big starring role, so we actually dig deep into his history and his relationship with his brother Raiden, and all of that stuff, then that's very cool. Then the added dorsum and along between Sindel and where somewhen is she going to end? Is she good? Is she bad? We're really trying to tease that a lot too.

Only for me, the Cary Tagawa as Shang Tsung and the constant expectation throughout the whole matter and suspense of "When is he going to plough on these people?" is very fun.

All that and the freakin' RoboCop himself, after this week. MOOOOOOORTAL KOMBAT!

Last Updated: May 27, 2020


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