How to Motivate Students to Read Independently

In this weblog post I will give you some tips on how to motivate students to read. It must be and so frustrating to run across your students hating books, while you love reading. Trying to convince them to read, but really knowing information technology is simply not going to work.

"Reading is stupid!" At to the lowest degree, that is what the students call back. And to be honest, I thought so also, until I learned that reading could besides exist relaxing, engaging and fun. I remember I starting time started to like reading because it was my own choice. Not my teachers'. But I have to say, it took a while…

I underwent the whole 'pick-from-the-list-method', year after year. In primary schoolhouse, I pretended to read, but I actually didn't. When the instructor said: "that, y'all take to read", I just put a zero on the height of the page. Just similar everyone else, nobody really read it.

If it wasn't for a fantastic teacher in my third year of high school, I would never have discovered the true value of reading. For the kickoff fourth dimension, nosotros got to choose a book. By ourselves. Solitary. And look at me now: writing blog posts people are actually reading! Playing with words to capture your attention.

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x Tips and tricks

1. Competition

What amend mode to spice up literature than a good competition? This one won't be about grades, it'due south about giving children an incentive to open up a book.

For example: Y'all tin brand a grid with all kinds of volume genres. The students can cull which volume they read, as long as it belongs to 1 of the indicated genres. They accept to tick off each genre when finishing that volume.

Some other fun idea is the "sixteen before you're 16 challenge". Hither, the students have to attempt to read sixteen books before they reach their 16th birthday. Of class, information technology's a projection that is spread over the years and must exist encouraged by every instructor. Tweet this

2. Be a bookworm

If y'all're going to encourage students to read, you must read also. Read for pleasure, for information, read blogs, instructions, read to connect with others. Make your students notice you reading. Advertise and tell stories you discover in books. Give subtle or not-so-subtle hints. Let the book be the smartphone: everywhere, all the fourth dimension.

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3. Apply engineering science

Engaging students to read is easier with technology. Using technology makes reading fun. Technology and apps are already a part of a student's globe. Information technology'due south in their comfort zone. Here is a listing of 7 platforms and apps that are really useful for making students love reading.

  • Epic! - books for kids. Epic! is an e-reader app designed for students aged 12 and under. It gives users admission to thousands of books and the ability to set up user profiles for brothers and sisters, and fifty-fifty parents. It has a reward system where kids can earn badges for reading accomplishments and information technology keeps track of how many books they've already finished. The app is designed for smartphones, tablets and computers.
  • BookWidgets is a platform with a huge range of different educational features for the tablet and figurer. In the Split Worksheet the teacher can add together a reading comprehension. While reading, the students have to try and fill in the questions alongside of the text. It makes reading more than engaging and fun at the same fourth dimension. The WebQuest is a widget where yous, for case, tin can larn students how to read efficiently. Allow them go on a quest where texts provide the right information about reading strategies.
  • OverDrive is a gratuitous app that connects to the students' library menu. Many libraries will let them access due east-books through this app. If students are not sure which library supports the card, they can take a await at OverDrive'south website to see which libraries participate.
  • iBooks Author lets teachers create their own interactive books for iPads and computers. Past calculation galleries, video, interactive diagrams, 3D objects, mathematical expressions, and many more, these books bring content to life and engage students to love reading.
  • Whooo's Reading can be used to motivate students to read in lodge to earn Wisdom Coins for reading, answering open up-ended comprehension questions, and interacting with their peers in a private Facebook-similar Newsfeed. These coins tin exist spent in the Owl Shop, where students "buy" virtual accessories for their Owlvatar.
  • Useful science is a website full of fun facts in categories such as education, happiness, sleep and creativity, fitness, wellness, nutrition, parenting, persuasion and productivity. Students can choose a category and scroll for hours reading fun facts.
  • Newsela builds reading comprehension through leveled articles, existent-fourth dimension assessments and actionable insights. Students can read articles on their ain tempo. Newsela offers articles from world class news publications in 5 adaptive reading levels. Y'all tin can as well unlock progress with embedded assessments like quizzes.

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These 7 platforms or apps that appoint reading are only a few out of the many other existing ones. Take a look at this blog post virtually reading apps for more inspiration.

One more thing: encourage students to heed to sound books. While they are not developing decoding or fluency skills, they are acquiring vocabulary, applying comprehension strategies, enjoying stories and gaining information.

iv. Permit students to dislike a book

There's nothing incorrect with disliking a book. Merely even if that's the case, some students volition write a glowing book review, thinking that volition go score them meliorate grades. That's a airheaded misconception, of course. Everyone has its own opinion about stories. Some students like reading drama, others are more into science-fiction or detectives.

If the educatee can requite a well-founded opinion about why it dislikes a book, you can use it to conform your booklist or to let students choose a book genre they really similar. Appointing books inline with their preferences takes you one footstep closer to persuading students to read.

v. Let students choose

A list of books to cull from turns off students immediately. Students accept to choose a book, based on its championship. Why not permit students choose for themselves? Not only does it give them a trustworthy feeling, merely it also gives them liberty to read what they like. If they similar a book, they'll exist more willing to read again, and again and again. Of form, equally a teacher, you can still approve or reject their choises and accept a redundancy list for students who don't know what to choose.

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I know that handing "the choosing" over to students comes with a few difficulties. Y'all will need a creative solution for students who actually already have read the volume some fourth dimension ago, or for students who re-create the summary from the internet. Y'all can, for instance, let them practice a roleplay from a specific scene in the book. Plan an do that requires the student's inventiveness, something that can't be plant on the internet. Artistic and active book assignments are much more fun than only writing downwards the summary or describing the characters.

6. Escape

Kids often need a pause from reality. Not thinking about homework or exams. Not thinking of their parents, hobbies or friends. Now the escape is often the boob tube or smartphone, but information technology could easily become a book. Showtime past escaping in school. Read with your students half an hour a week. Anybody tin escape in its own book. Go sit exterior if the sun is shining or create an "escape paradise", which is a transformed reading classroom.

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vii. Reading wall

Your school probably has a few blank walls in a hallway. Why not make a reading wall out of it? Possibly there is some place in the educatee's library? With a reading wall you tin can creatively annunciate teachers favorite books, books recommended past students, award-winning youth books and many more than. Pigment a nice theme background and add some shelves against the wall with all the recommended books.

eight. Emergency practise

Everyone knows the emergency drills in school, right? Yes, the moment where you become to skip 15 minutes or more than from class because of the burn warning that goes off. Well, I think we could do the aforementioned with reading books. Every week or month the schoolhouse sounds an alarm. Students have to drib everything and take a book and commencement reading. Yous can gather all the students in one place, or yous can keep them in your classroom. If your school doesn't concur, yous tin just practice it on a smaller scale with a few teachers, or on your own. It would be more fun though, if everyone joins in.

9. Invite a local author

Inviting an writer to class is a great fashion to promote the love for reading and encourage students to read. Students tin can read the writer's book, then discuss it with him. This may be just the thing to inspire your students to read or even be an author themselves someday. Let the writer explain where he gets the ideas, and let him give tips and tricks. Tweet this

Afterwards, you allow your students write a story. Yous assemble all the stories in ane book. Students have to read all the stories and and so pick their favorites. The writer will too choose a story. The winning pupil gets their story published in the school paper or fifty-fifty amend, in the regional newspaper.

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x. Innovate students to a book series

Cypher is more addictive than a good book serial! Whether students are into adventures or fantasy novels, detectives or love stories, at that place is a book serial for everyone. Find out what your students dear and get them to read the first book. Once they get a gustatory modality of it, they will definitely desire to keep reading to notice out what happens next.

I promise you've institute some inspiration in these ideas. Permit me know your best tip for getting students to enjoy reading. I'll retweet all the adept ones, and add together the best ones to this list!


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